Hai hai…. Yeah !!! minggu depan cuti, bkn cuti ape tapi cuti sukan & cuti good Friday. Hihihik,,, >suka lah 2< (mesti lah, sape lah Y x suka cuti kn)
Cakap jak sukn tapi aku ape2 pon xdh ikut, Cuma jdi penonton dan peyokong pda uma sukn ku. Pastikn nie thun uma sukn aku Y menang !!! hahaha.... >mau jue< semua memberku ade acara, aku jak Y Tba2 jdi amoy,, hihihihik... ikutkn aty aku pon mau jue tapi aku MALAS bh, mcm x mau pla aku p sukn, wt pa jue kn mau p! Xdh jue acra pa2 mau dikut tapi mau ambil k’hadiran bh, e2 lah... bkin bachat!
Blogger ku nie sunyi jak... bugs jue skit orang bca postku. Hahaha!
Dalam cuti minggu depan nie mgkin jarang aku online bb nk fokus dlm stady! K’ptusan kali nie wt aku hampa & kecewa. Mulai saat c2 lah aku nekadkn aty utk level up kn mindaku & tekni stadyku,, >cehwa<. Setelah c2 bru aku sedar aku bkn udh d kls ku dlu, keadaan tlh b’ubh! Bb t’lampau byk saingan dlm klsku karang. Aku x blh b’sikap cuai & relax. must fight till i get my target. Harap aku dpt lakukn nya. AMEN!
❤ "cerita" was Posted On: Saturday, April 16, 2011 @7:46 PM | ✿
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because small things matter
Name: kelly chia
Residing in: Malaysia
Age: 17
Birthday: 26th OCT!
Status: this year(2012)i am a SPM victim
about me
i love many thing like cats, food, parties blogging.
purple, white, grey, blue, green. daydreaming, singing k-pop song, watching korean + taiwan drama, Anime lover.
almost anything i love to do but sometime i was too lazy to do it and i just go to sleep ... hiiii x)
my super bias is KIM HEECHUL(SUJU), i'm also is a ELF. i'm crazy about anything that talk about k-pop! i can't control myself cus they so damn cute and they have the loving face.
ACT i don't hate someone and something at all. i'm okay if somebody say OR do bad thing about me, i think that the reason they do it because they can't think with their head properly. :)
i just wanna remind that if you do bad thing to someone, sooner or later the thing you do will happen back to yourself. so continue to do it, do it as many as you can!TQ